A United Left recognizes that we are in a pre-revolutionary context and necessarily rejects schism and in-fighting based on post-revolutionary attitudes and routes to full Communism. A United Left recognizes that the liberation of women, LGBTQ and racial communities, and all other forms of social liberation are all part of the broader social question. We are their allies and support them in their struggles without co-opting them. A United Left is the idea that the Left in the United States can stand united, offering solidarity to those who need it, and a viable alternative to the insurmountable difficulties we face and accept as reality, today.

Friday, January 3, 2014

The Boss

All I could find is that this is an American labor poster from 1938, despite a google search (I LOVE the "Search Google for this image" function) telling me the "closest" it could find is Nazi propaganda. Does Google have an agenda? Probably. Their "Do No Evil" slogan from their early days seems to have disappeared as soon as the NSA got involved...but that's a tangent for another time. Anyhoodle, I miss old propaganda posters like this and would like to showcase them from time to time.

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